Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Li'l Miss Minchin

I got up this morning thinking of what to wear.. hmm.. anything that would match my drama for the day.. eyeglasses (frame & simple lens, 0 grade).

During my grade school days, I dreamt of having a pair of glasses. Why? I don't know.. maybe because I envied my classmates who has a pair or probably curiosity; how it feels like or how I would look wearing one. I remember asking my mom (she wears glasses) to buy a pair for me everytime we pass by an optical shop. And whenver I ask for it, she always has an excuse to say... "It's not necessary baby", "It would not look good on you", "It might impair your eyesight", "You're too young to have one". In spite of her multiple ehoic excuses and my numerous pleads and persistence of owning one, she never lost hope that I would soon get over it (Mom's really know best). All these years I thought I did -- until this morning. Something led me to wind up this fragmentary portion of my childhood. And today, I decided to put an end to it.

And so, I did.

When I got to work, everyone was at awe when they saw me!
Some asked, "Why are you wearing eyeglasses?" while others showed concern, "Hey! What happened to your eyesight?" A lot remembered the famous Miss Minchin in Princess Sarah (Sarah, the little princess) in me ... hahah!!! Everytime someone calls me teacher -- I would smirk & say, "Ehem.. I'm the Principal.. now, get back to work!". There are some who even failed to recognize me! Would you believe that?!

It's funny how people close to you or people you get in touch with everyday react when something's changed. We're so used to routinary stuff & would be amazed, rattled, scared or bothered when we see something new. I guess that's part of being human --- braincells & stuff; the wonders of science.. :D

Anyhow, I think I did "well" today. :D Well in a sense that I was able to accomplish my office tasks & portrayed the role of Mrs. Minchin very well... ooops! I meant, attained my other goal for the day... the feeling of wearing the well-celebrated pair.

Tomorrow's another day... hmmm... I'd like to have a sequel.

Li'l Miss Minchin day 2. :D

♥♥♥ PePPeRmAe ♥♥♥

Monday, March 22, 2010


Had a tough day as usual. Maybe that led me to munch something during lunch. I was really looking forward to dinner (that's where I get revived).. & voila!!! Yum Yum Yum...soooooooo yum!:D I had my favorite chicken pesto at wheatberry (sct. tobias cor. sct castor qc).

Back to reality... I did some paperwork just now & I really am tired & sleepy.. (this is too early as I often doze off around 3am.

I have my nephew to sleep beside me tonight.. & I think that would be every night til Saturday -- no more classes for them. sigh... How lucky!
How I wish I could take weeks off too from work, relax & have a good time..
Nah... wishful thinking...

Can't wait for May. I hope we could go to the beach. I can't see my tan-lines anymore.. geesh!

Anyway, I suppose I'm dreaming already.. I'm sooooo sleepy.. Just can't help but write something..

Sweet dreams...

♥♥♥ PePPeRmAe ♥♥♥

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Waah! Lazy Sunday it is. And what's new??? I haven't taken a bath yet.. haha! Haven't fixed my bed nor have I cleaned up my room.. It's all messy & sorta a jungle in here. :D

I took my lunch around 1pm today together with my mom & dad. My dad left to visit Doc Perlas' house. They would perhaps listen to some CDs (my dad's a hardcore audiophile). After clearing the table, my mom & I decided to put the mic & videoke on. We sang for 4 hours straight. I took a few pictures of our videoke moment & I must say, she has improved singing.. She loves songs from "The Carpenters" & she wouldn't feel a touch of exhaustion even if she sings their songs 27/7. Can you imagine that??! Weird huh?!

Here I am, still staring at my laptop, checking my online games. I will be working in a while. I'll take a bath first, buy nicotine sticks, sing a few songs downstairs.. (it's my brothers' turn to sing). :D

Adios.. I'll probably write a lil later too.. Let's see.

♥♥♥ PePPeRmAe ♥♥♥

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Finally I was able to create an account for my daily blogs. Not quite sure though if I can manage this as I've been very busy lately.. I just thought maybe, writing can be a form of stress-reliever (for some) or could just add to the tensity of everyday.. Hmmm,, I'm hoping its the first one. Well, I think I'm welcoming myself to this.. There's no way to find out... Let's see..

♥♥♥ PePPeRmAe ♥♥♥